Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Rabid sharing: a recreation of the break from Peshay's Piano Tune

Further to my last post about rabid sharing, I thought I'd share a recreation I have attempted to do of Peshay - The Piano Tune.

This is my version:

It's basically a chopped up amen with distortion (using Ableton's Saturator), compression and EQ. I added a little Redux down-sampling and bit reduction to give it that old-school sampler feel. Some of the hits have amplitude envelope modifications to achieve that abrupt, gated sound. The bass is just a simple sine wave with a fast attack and decay. There's a touch of Saturator distortion and EQ on it as well.

Download the zipped sample pack.

This is the original version:

Any producers out there: I'd love your ideas about how I could make this break closer to the original. I just haven't quite been able to nail those woody snares!

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